Race Kit
Dry clothing which is packed in waterproof bag within race pack for emergencies only (bottoms and top) – THIS IS SEPARATE TO YOUR SPARE WARM CLOTHING FOR RACING IN! If you get into difficulty in this event it could be a few hours before we get someone to you, so you need to have spare dry clothing to change into and climb into your emergency shelter/survival bag until rescue.
Fully charged and functioning mobile phone. It will only work when high up but it can be a vital lifeline in an emergency. A contact number for Event Control will be provided prior to the event.
At Registration you will be supplied with a waterproof map of the route. You must carry a map of the route for the duration of the race.
with enough fluid for 2 hours of running. Please note cups will NOT be supplied at aid stations.
With a hood sufficient to withstand adverse weather conditions.
Spare means unworn at the start.
Spare Gels/Mars Bar etc.
In good working condition with additional spare batteries
Please note that random checks will be undertaken both prior and during the race with competitors found to be missing any item of mandatory race kit not being allowed to run. These items are listed for competitor safety.
capable of displaying a current GPS location in British National Grid Reference format. A GPX file of the route is available to download from 'Route Maps' page.
including any personal medications, compeeds and adhesive elastic bandage or strapping (100cm x 6cm)
e.g. collapsible cups, soft flasks, etc. Cups will not be supplied at the aid stations.
(tablets, powder or salt tablets) and other food/fuel sources
The above is for guidance only. Please do not rely entirely on consuming food at the checkpoints although the indicated race nutrition will be the minimum provided at those points by the race organisers.